I have been trying to learn hindi typing which uses Devanagari script. Do we know if there are any typing tutor applications for Hindi language (देवनागरी लिपि)? The standard official script adopted by Indian govt. for administrative purposes is 'inscript'. There are different varients of Hindi keyboard layout, but I am specifically looking for the 'inscript' layout.
First free Hindi Typing Tutor download supported font Kruti Dev and Devlys. Govt Typing Test and Hindi Typing Master software offline, Download Free Hindi Typing master, 100% free typing tutor download for lifetime. Hindi typing software free download, hindi typing in ms word mangal font, enable hindi typing in windows7, windows xp, hindi typing software for free download.
I know that Klavaro claims to be language- and layout-agnostic. It starts with teaching you the home row and branches out, teaching you groups of keys at a time. You can also supply texts to use as practice. I don't know how good it is with non-European languages in practice, but it's free and available in the Software Centre, so you could give it a go.
I believe this is the link where we can download the typing tutor but so far I am unable to download it as it gets timed out.
Here is another thing I discovered over a period of time. We can download the hindi typing tutor from http://pune.cdac.in/html/gist/down/key.asp
CDAC have designed it to work in DOS. In Ubuntu we have an application known as DOSBOX. This is basically a windows DOS emulator. After installing this application, we can practice hindi typing in Ubuntu. All it requires is the learning of basics of DOSBOX to run the .exe files.
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The Aasaan - Hindi Typing Tutor software is a very simple guide to learn touch typing.
Today, large number of software engineers and the technical staffs are using only two fingers for typing. Aasaan - Hindi Typing Tutor software has been prepared for the benefit of such people who have not had the opportunity or time to take up typing training. By using this software, you can learn the basics very quickly, within 6 to 10 hours. Depending upon your speed, you can move to advanced lessons and be a master of touch typing within a shot period of time.
The specialty of this software is that typing exercises are provided for two different types of keyboard in single software. You will also notice that the lessons are taught in duel language (English and Hindi). Learners can choose between English and Hindi mode of typing depending on their need and interest. Version 1 includes unspecified updates.